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The 4 Intuitive Types #23

Start recognizing how your Intuition speaks to you

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Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizance, Clairsentience - oh MY!

These intuition pathways aren't just for psychic mediums. Your intuition loves to pass along extrasensory information to you using a dominant channel. Which one is your dominant channel?

(**Highly recommend to take the 'What is your Intuitive Superpower Quiz' at the homepage - so you can be prepared with your results to dive deeper into what it means about you!)

On this super-sized episode we reveal the four primary intuitive pathways and how to determine what method your intuition is using to give you messages.

Plus, we share some tips on how you can maximize your awareness and expand your abilities by understanding your intuitive type.

In this episode of Modern Life and Spirit podcast we discuss:

* Introduction (1:04)

* Why your dominant intuitive type matters (1:36)

*How to identify your intuitive type (3:15) Take the Quiz now

* Intuitive types Intro (7:34)

*The senses and the Higher Mind link (8:18)

*What are the four types? (9:29)

*Is how you process info in daily life linked to your dominant pathway? (12:03)

*Intuition expectation vs. reality (14:14)

*Clairvoyance - The Visionary Quiz result (15:50)

*Why lighting is important when developing clairvoyance (16:04)

*Recognizing clairvoyance - common examples (17:04)

*Synesthesia and clairvoyance (18:17)

*Busting clairvoyant hierarchy myths and how society reinforces it (19:33)

*The Visionary personality type (21:23)

*Natural aptitudes for the Visionary (23:06)

*Christina's tip for the Visionary (23:32)

*Clairaudience - The Sound Sensitive Quiz result (24:24)

*The big challenge for clairaudient dominant people (24:41)

*Recognizing clairaudience - common examples (25: 32 - 27:57)

*What is ringing in the ears about? (27:02)

*The Sound Sensitive personality type (27:57)

*Professional potential for sound sensitives (29:00)

*Christina's tip for Sound Sensitives - addressing your pet peeve (30:01) and solution (31:01)

*Natural aptitudes for Sound Sensitives (30:38)

*A strategy that plays to your strengths (32:07)

*Claircognizance - Epic Instinct Quiz Result (33:43)

*Game of Thrones and Claircognizance? (33:43)

*Why wine and intuition does not mix (33:43 - 35:32)

*Recognizing claircognizance - common examples (35:32)

*The Epic Instinct personality type (38:52)

*Key lesson for claircognizant dominant (40:01)

*Christina's tip for Epic Instinct (41:45)

*Clairsentience - The Empath Quiz result (42: 55)

*Recognizing clairsentience (42:55)

*The Empath personality type (42:55)

*Natural aptitudes for the Empath (42:55)

*Christina's tip for the Empath (42:55)

*Robert's tip for the Empath (49:48)

*Final summary and why you may need help to find your dominant Intuitive type (54:25) Take the Quiz now

Additional Resources to support your understanding:


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Christina Wooten 00:00

When you know your dominant intuitive sense, you can start recognizing it for what it is, start paying attention to what's coming through and also knowing what impressions are coming through stronger than others. So you can start diving into stimulating that intuition. You can know that higher mind senses to listen and to lean into.

Narrator 00:26

Welcome to the Modern Life and Spirit podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki Master Teacher, Robert Wooten break down how to work with Spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Robert Wooten 00:50

Well, hello there kindred spirits. Welcome to our podcast sacred space here at Modern Life and Spirit. I'm Robert Wooten here with Christina Wooten from And we're so glad you're here with us today, we have a lot to talk about, and let's just jump right in.

Robert Wooten 01:04

Our episode today - when I saw that we were doing this one - I got real excited about it, because we're talking about the different pathways that you can receive information psychically or from spirit. And this is something that I have been working on for almost all of my life that I can remember, probably from the age of about 10, up until, till I walked in the door today, just now. And we're also going to talk about the dominance, the way that is strongest when it comes to this type of communication for you, and what that means about you.

Christina Wooten 01:36

Understanding your primary intuitive type really does give us a lot of hints about who you are as a person, a little bit about some of your aptitudes and your energy. Which over the years, I've just found so fascinating that a lot of times the dominance gives a strong window into that person's frequency, kind of like an aura color gives you some understanding about what that person's soul journey and path is all about. This is another way that you can learn about yourself on a deeper level, and also really understand how you can take your intuition to the next level and start to work with it. And really, as we talk about this, why do we care? Why do we care how information comes to you, right? As long as it comes to you. For most people, we can have a lot of difficulty recognizing your intuition. And so understanding more about your language and how intuition really is actually showing up for you some of the things that are really influential for you in your life, and impact your energetic field gives us that key window that we need about what do you need to develop a little bit more? What to pay attention to, what to listen to. So it's like bringing things into a little bit more of a refined place of when we talk about intuitive development, let's get into the heart here of what some of your abilities are.

Robert Wooten 03:07

I think you're also saying, "What tools are you already working with? What do you already have that's working for you?" Right?

Christina Wooten 03:15

Absolutely. I think a lot of people have more intuition than they realize. Just it's, it's such a natural part honestly of who we are, and in in the way that we experience the world, that unless you're intentional about it and teasing it out of your natural experience, you may not recognize that it's happening and recognize that it's there. So it's really hard to develop something when you haven't developed the awareness to begin with of the things that are already happening for you. So because this is so important, I created a quiz to help you discover your intuitive type - although I call it your Intuitive Superpower. This quiz is going to help you know which one of these intuitive types that we're talking about today, which one applies to you or which one is your dominant? And it really gives us a jumping off place for you to understand more about yourself, and how to recognize what's already happening. So because it isn't just a fun quiz to do, although I'm going to be honest, I think it is but maybe that's because I think intuition is super cool, and all the spiritual things are cool. So for me, I love it. But it's designed to just be really insightful and help you to think about your intuition and how it's showing up and think about how you're responding to energy in a way that you probably aren't thinking about necessarily. And also to help you tease out of these things what's the most impactful what helps you the most? What do you feel most inspired by? So it gives us a whole picture on a deeper level. So if you want to take a pause now you can do so if you haven't already taken the quiz just go to, scroll down to the bottom, and you're gonna see "What is Your Intuitive Superpower?" And then just click "take the quiz." It's gonna give you 10 questions, again, just to help you isolate a little bit more and refine, so we get to what your true dominant intuitive type is. After those 10 questions, you're gonna have your immediate result for which of the four intuitive types happens to be your dominant. And again, that's what we're talking about today.

Robert Wooten 05:29

I know when you were designing this quiz, I was looking at, and trying to figure out, how you were going to get into each one of these four intuitive types, because it's really dependent, and it really reveals how you process energetic information coming into you. As opposed to something like in the old days, it was Zener cards, which are just these little cards, everyone probably has seen them, this got a plus on it, it's got some wavy lines, and it's got a star, and you're just seeing which one you think is going to come up next. Or you can use regular playing cards for the same thing, where it's either going to be black, or it's going to be red. But that really only tests one thing - that tests clairvoyance - is to how you think, it may also test claircognizance, I suppose, as well. But it's really only testing one of the four instead of being able to reveal which one you're strongest in of the four.

Christina Wooten 06:21

Yeah, it's definitely geared pretty strongly towards the claircognizance and clairvoyance. So you're probably going to be strengthening more of those channels primarily. But yeah, you're right. It's, it is about looking at the mechanics, like what's happening underneath this. And from there, we can learn more about how do you begin the strengthening? How do you embrace the beauty? What is it telling you? So what is this all about? These pathways, or intuitive types, are natural parts of your extrasensory perception or your intuition, whichever word feels comfortable for you. But everyone has all four of these pathways. And then some, I'm gonna explain that in just a second. But not everyone is actively using them. But they're there it exists, that pathway is available, no matter whether somebody is blocked it off, whether somebody ignores their intuition, it's always there. It's a lot like how your organs work and how your brain works. You don't think a lot about it at the time. It's just a process that's happening in the background for most people.

Christina Wooten 07:34

And that's what we're talking about, is what's the process that's happening in the background for you personally? And so the pathways themselves fundamentally are known as the clairs - or we just affectionately call them the clairs. And listeners, I know, you're probably familiar with the term clairvoyant, because that's the most popular of the Clairs that people seem to recognize. It's one of those that fits into a lot of different writings about psychic or intuitive phenomenon. And that is one of the clairs. And clair in French means clear. There are four primary pathways or channels for information to come through either intuitively, and psychically or in mediumship. So they use the same channels.

Christina Wooten 08:18

But I want you to think of it this way, each of the senses that we have, for our physical body, is connected to our higher mind. All of our senses - touch, sight, etc - are giving us feedback directly to our physical body. So it's at the base end of the spectrum, it's very physical, so you know, sight, being able to see a sunset, being able to, you know, touch something hot, that's a very physical sensation. But our senses are also simultaneously able to receive information and then deliver it to the higher mind. So that's the higher end of the spectrum. So think of it as above, so below, so what exists on the earth plane has a link with what's in spirit and vice versa. So what we're experiencing physically with our physical bodies, we also have that higher sense it's connected to a higher mind also with the same flavor if you will have that particular sensory perception. This is hence why changing your thinking, you can shift your physical reality over time, sometimes even instantly, because that connection between as above so below, so depends on your pathway.

Christina Wooten 09:29

So briefly, the four primary pathways we're going to talk about today are: clairvoyance, or clear sightedness; clairaudience or clear hearing; claircognizance or clear knowing; clairsentience or clear feeling. There are other intuitive senses like clairgustance, which is clear tasting or clairalience, which is clear smelling. But these are not primary pathways in intuitive development work. So you can think of it like they're garnishes to the main dish. If an intuitive message is coming through for you, it's usually coming - if it's, there's a smell, or if there's a taste involved - there's more information, and it's connected to another clair also. So that's why we call it not a primary language, there it's just not a primary pathway, okay? But it's one that we do pay attention to in intuitive development, we appreciate it, it is a packet of information that we always want to unpack. But for our primary, it's not the primary. In just a minute, we're going to break down some of these intuitive types, we're going to go piece by piece, so don't worry if we've lost you yet, okay? We're gonna circle back around and get into each of these. But it wouldn't make sense if we didn't just take the opportunity to also talk about dominance here. Okay, so we mentioned that a couple of times, and in that dominance refers to how your body processes primarily the energy. So it tells us which channel is the strongest, which if you were to think of it as muscles, which one works out all the time? You know, maybe you're doing leg presses - it's leg day, every day - and that particular muscle is super strong. Or maybe you're just, you know, working this one arm, like constantly. So it gives us a little bit of a flavor for, what are you going to pick up on first, okay? And it's important to understand that, most of the time with our intuitive development, as you become sensitive, you become sensitive on all levels. And you're receiving on all of these channels. So you can get clairvoyant information with claireaudience, you can have clairecognizant that comes in with empathic aspects. So that's again, part of the package that you unpack when you're doing intuitive development work, or, you know, in my case with mediumship. However, for this, it's just looking at what's the strongest of your muscles. So what is - when you get information, which is the one you're going to pick up the most if it's all in the same packet? That makes sense?

Robert Wooten 12:03

I think it's interesting that the way you receive intuitive information is not necessarily how you receive normal information in the physical world. Like I consider myself a very visual thinker. I can process through things having worked in video for so long, and I can process through things visually. But that's not how I received most of my intuitive information, it comes in empathically. So I think it's important to not necessarily think that because you've liked music, for instance, or you have really good hearing, and you sense things with your ears a lot, that that's going to be necessarily what your intuitive strength is going to be as well.

Christina Wooten 12:42

That's true, I think that's a good point. For some people, it is an indicator, so it is a little bit of a clue, for other people like in your circumstance, that can be almost a competitive energy. So if you're really strong mentally, with a lot of vision are kind of mapping things out in your head, that may make it more difficult for you to receive if you don't have a whole lot of open space in the mind. So perhaps your pathway for receiving information is a lot clearer in the audio, if that makes sense. So for some people, it's "Okay, I can map this out, and I can, you know, add the intuition in and that works well." For some people, it's a competing, you know, sense it just depends. But I think that's a really important point is, yeah, just because you're a visual person doesn't automatically mean you're a visionary. And truthfully, the more that we release intuition blocks, and strengthen those weaker channels, help them to become stronger and increase sensitivity, so much more can come to you. And again, we become aware of maybe you've been picking up a lot of information on the empathic level. But now suddenly, you're adding in, "Oh, I'm seeing these things I, you know, I'm seeing lights in the room suddenly, that I wasn't seeing before." It gives you the opportunity to just keep expanding the different ways that spirit can give you information, the different ways your higher self can communicate. Okay, so I do want to say one last thing before we start jumping into each one.

Christina Wooten 14:14

And that's that expectation versus reality is really important in this situation. So everybody's on a spectrum with where they've developed. So there's a perception on this, that if you're clairvoyant, you see all the different layers of spectrum of reality that everything looks like you know, the train station: you're walking in, you're, you know, constantly seeing all these different layers and options. I'm going to tell you, if that was true, you'd go insane. So there's, there's a level of, you know, bearing connection, even for people who are very highly developed that help you to stay grounded and stay here because otherwise you'd be attaching to all these different realities and you would not know what was real, it'd be like your your moment with Dr. Strange where like he's like, loses track. If you're in there for too long of where you actually are. Just because you register as clairvoyance as being your highest intuitive language, if you're not seeing everything like multi dimensional and, and you know, people spirit people walk up to you, that's fine. That doesn't mean that you're not clairvoyant, and it doesn't mean that's not your strongest language. It means that's how you can receive information in something you can develop into. But I also want to just give that reality check that everybody's on a spectrum. And this is just kind of telling us, which scale are you on so that we can shift that one up? Okay, so no worries if you're not, you know, just walking around Grand Central Station, you know, all the time.

Christina Wooten 15:50

So clairvoyance is clear sightedness. And this is the first one we're going to talk about today. If you took the quiz at, this is known as the Visionary. Okay, so that's the result that's connected with clairvoyance.

Christina Wooten 16:04

So clairvoyance is the ability to perceive in your mind's eye or through the physical eyes, extra sensory information that's around you. So this can be information available to you, with eyes closed or with eyes open. Some people, as they're really developing or starting to develop clairvoyance, prefer to do that with their eyes closed, it's a little bit less of a strain, on the third eye, that extra light coming in. However, as you continue to flex and develop that muscle, it blends together really beautifully. So you can see more of that when your eyes are open. So there's a wide range of clairvoyant experiences that you can have. So along the spectrum, here some examples, and we're just gonna touch on some of the most common ones, keeping in mind that if this is your dominant mode, that can show up again, all over the spectrum. So you may be clairvoyant, dominant and still feel like, "Oh, my gosh, I want to see more."

Christina Wooten 17:04

Okay, so here's some examples: Seeing spirit people or seeing faces or images when you relax, or when you lay down to sleep; seeing colors around people, or auras or seeing bright lights with people, even if it's bright lights, just surrounding them around the body, like an outline of the body might see that too; seeing flashes of light or balls of light, especially in the corner of the room, or in other areas, but that's where pockets of energy really build up. So most people see that start flashing, there; seeing those that have crossed over - Okay, so spirit people; having pre- cognitive vision, so maybe you're driving and see like a movie playing out; pre-cognitive dreams, that's another thing that's linked with clairvoyance; seeing movement out of the periphery of your vision. So if you're constantly seeing motion, in your house at the corner of your eye, and nothing is there, or you're seeing like, as if somebody is walking past and you look and no one's there. That's another example of clairvoyance; seeing colors when you meditate or seeing colors in a darkroom; Seeing images or symbols with a meaning that pops up when you're thinking about something.

Christina Wooten 18:17

Sometimes people with this ability may have synesthesia. And this is something that I've just discovered over time, and I think it's so interesting. So synesthesia, if you're not familiar with it, it's a neurological condition where stimulation of one pathway in the brain leads to activating another pathway.

Christina Wooten 18:39

So for example, numbers can have colors to those with synesthesia, or you might have a certain flavor that connects with the months. So for whatever reason, interestingly enough, synesthesia can be linked with clairvoyance; easy for you to visualize things or imagine things in meditation; buzzing sensations or vibrations in the center of the forehead as the third eye opens -that's really common; having someone's image pop up and then they call or, you know, surprise you in some way that day; People with this can be a little bit more prone to UFO sightings, okay, because we're talking about that interdimensional experience; And if you find yourself saying to other people all the time, "I'm more of a visual person" ywou might be clairvoyant.

Christina Wooten 19:33

I do want to mentioned, there's this weird misconception, and it's like a hierarchy thing, I don't understand honestly, where it comes from. Because of that strange psychology that I don't fully understand is people have an emphasis on clairvoyance when they're trying to develop their intuitive ability. But it's not better than any of the other pathways. The most important thing is that you get the memo, you get the message, and you're able to, in mediumship, you're able to share it with someone else, or you're able to receive it for yourself. So it doesn't matter how it comes through just that it gets to you, and you get what you need from it. So I just like to say that anytime we're talking about clairvoyance, because it's a little bit of a misconception that you're going to get more from the visual. And actually, that's not necessarily true, it's, you know, equal amounts of information you can receive,.

Robert Wooten 20:30

I think that's probably because we have a tendency here on the physical plane, to be attached to physical objects. And if you can see a physical physical object, and it's tangible, you can prove that it exists. If you receive something in your visual channel, it relates directly to, possibly, a physical object that feels more like you can validate it. So seeing something in your mind's eye can be easily validated on the physical plane as well. Whereas sensing something, or even hearing something, may not be as easily to validate.

Christina Wooten 21:02

I think that's a really great point. And because we are, in some ways taught, don't trust your feelings. In some ways, you know, if it's, "Well, how do you know that?" If you can't say, like in claircognizance specifically, where it comes from, then, you know, people are more likely to go, "Okay, okay, all right."

Christina Wooten 21:23

People with this dominant psychic pathway are usually - and this is just, you know, generalization - but are usually pretty progressive, forward thinkers, are usually a bit ahead of their time, in so many ways, very, very highly intelligent, sometimes to their detriment, but definitely very progressive forward thinking. So, and that can give them almost a little bit of an eccentric quality, especially depending on their environment, if they're attracted to things that other people aren't quite ready for yet. They're seeing like all these layers ahead, and really good at anticipating or seeing just how one thing connects to other things. It's just amazing. So Visionaries are really amazing problem solvers, because they're just so good at seeing these alternate options, and making that real. Really exploring what that means. Because of this emphasis on the visual, there's a strong desire for aesthetic beauty. So color is really important to you if you're a Visionary, and so is decluttering. Clutter, or things that are taking away from clear vision for you in a physical way can be really stressful, or make it almost feel a little bit cluttered in your mind's eye. So in the same way, lighting can also be super important in what you need, especially if you're stressing your third eye. So paying attention to your lighting scheme makes a big difference. Is something too bright, do you need a little bit more light? What does that look like for you? But definitely light sensitivity there in in a good way. And but one that we need to pay attention to.

Christina Wooten 23:06

Again, there's, spiritually, there's natural aptitudes for people to see other possibilities to even develop into being a medical intuitive or obviously mediumship, or using visualization to change your energy. So it's very easy for someone with this gift to utilize that symbolism or using symbolism and visionary qualities to release or to clear themselves.

Christina Wooten 23:32

I do like to give just a little helpful tip as we're wrapping up with clairvoyance. So really, with Visionaries, it's super important to have your mind clear. And to, generally people with this thought process, can have so much forward thinking and so much forward information, that it can be really overwhelming. And in order to bring in new information in, you have to dump - what I call brain dump - you gotta brain dump, you gotta release and let go. So making a lot of lists just so you're not holding it in your head, or brain dump with journaling, that can be really helpful. But don't push yourself to exhaustion, either physical exhaustion or mental exhaustion, because that is really going to close some of that channel down if it's not able to receive any more because it's overloaded.

Christina Wooten 24:24

So this is something you you have to pay attention to. So our next one we're going to be talking about for intuitive types is clairaudience, which is clear hearing. So clairaudience has the ability to perceive in an auditory way the extra sensory information around you.

Christina Wooten 24:41

So that can be in hearing things with your physical ears - So something that sounds like an external voice or sound - and also receiving messages through thoughts and your own internal reading voice. And this is where it gets really tricky with people with clairaudience is really learning how to become more aware of your baseline thoughts and language, so that you can start becoming aware of the messages that come in using your reading voice. Because it's just, it's a different energy, but because it blends in, it's using your internal reading voice. If you're not paying attention, it can get even more confusing. That's one of the things that's important to develop. In the quiz, we call this result the Sound Sensitive, okay? So if you're a Sound Sensitive, you have the strength and especially potential in clairaudience.

Christina Wooten 25:32

So some common examples of clairaudience is: hearing someone say your name; singing or humming a song or hearing parts of a song playing that have a message for you. (I have that all the time I call it my DJ - like my DJs, giving me a message today); you may hear sounds that are once associated with that place. So if you were to walk into a jail, for example, an old jail, you might hear like something rattling or the the sound of the bars, the door closing very hard, you might hear things like that that are happening inside. But it's happening through that channel; writing, writing is so strongly connected with Sound Sensitives, and it's one of those things people I don't think realize. And I want you to hear this, if you're a Sound Sensitive. Writing is a big one, you're just a wordsmith, okay? And it flows so quickly, sometimes that you can hardly get the information down. So when it's coming from Spirit it's gonna come in fast; you can have conversations with those in spirit or your guides, little bit of a sense of back and forth; you might hear from friends and other people, "You always know just what to say;" You may hear sounds that act like symbols for you. So for example, hearing a ding when something is done. That's a common one, or hearing an alarm sound if something was was wrong, or something you need to pay attention to.

Robert Wooten 27:02

How about like a high pitched noise? Would that be the same thing?

Christina Wooten 27:06

Yeah, and that can be an indication of, definitely say it's usually more associated with clairaudience, that's more of a system where it's almost like a pressure change energetically, where your body is hearing and responding to, Oh, we got a pressure change coming up popping in the ears again, that As above, so below, so that's what manifest But usually, that's going to be more of a clear audience indicator, hearing words, phrases, names, dates, places, you may hear what sounds like people talking, like there's a radio or a TV left on and you get up, you get out of bed, you try and figure out where it's coming from. And you leave the room and it's gone. And you come back never know what it was but sure as heck sounded like somebody left the TV. Okay, so those are all examples of clairaudience. And in a pretty common way.

Christina Wooten 27:57

But sound sensitives, again, like I said, are wordsmiths and also have a bit of a dreamy and a philosophical quality to them, that you also have a really rich inner life and can sometimes seem to other people to be a little bit in their own worlds because there's just so much depth. There's almost a sense of withdrawing a bit to the inner world to explore all the different layers of things versus where visionaries, for example, are projecting forward, the sound sensitive is going deeper within. So it's a little bit different there. And in your life, having a strong value for wisdom is something that I see with people with this dominance, exploring truth, seeking to understand all angles and just always learning always wanting to be learning in that area. That's a big connection. And thrive on inspiration when you're learning something that you're passionate about. I mean, just really have a lot of fuel.

Christina Wooten 29:00

So for this reason, people with sound sensitivity or clairaudience can be excellent writers, excellent inspirational speakers, really, really good listeners. And also able to work in professions where they need to respond to people using more intuitive means. So for example, a therapist who you know, has to listen to the moment and check in on higher levels intuitively for what that person might need to hear or extra information that therapist needs to help guide that person. Really sound sensitivity and clairaudience can benefit those pathways a lot.

Christina Wooten 29:41

So people with clairaudience are also really influenced by music and flow and, you know, perpetual need to just keep exploring. So you usually become experts in your field because you just keep amassing deeper and deeper levels and layers of knowledge.

Christina Wooten 30:01

But I'll say one thing for people with clairaudience are usually receiving information almost like one big thought bubble. And so the first word of that thought bubble and the last word of that thought bubble are all connected. If you get interrupted or your train of thought, where you're not able to listen, all it drives you crazy and totally frustrating, because it's hard to get that whole bubble back. Okay? It's not like you just put a little pause on that message from Spirit, like the whole bubble is connected. So that's a big frustration for someone with that particular sensitivity.

Christina Wooten 30:38

On the bright side, your strengths are definitely in sound healing. So you can receive a lot of healing through that. But you can also offer a lot of healing through that pathway. Any kind of akashic records work, automatic writing definitely or trance writing,, depending on how you look at it. And meditation work I think lends itself very beautifully to sound sensitives.

Christina Wooten 31:01

So my helpful tip for clairaudience is for you soundscape is really, really important. So things like noise cancelling headphones, or soft, relaxing music can block some of that extra sound out that might distract you or just kind of grate at your nerves. But also setting clear signals of when it's okay for others to interrupt or to get your attention. If you have that separate office space where you can put the little door hanger up that's like, please don't disturb, that can be helpful. If you don't have that separate space, that's okay, set up some cues with your partner or those that are in the household with you to just say, when I do this, I'm in the zone. And it's really better if you not interrupt me unless it's an emergency. But when I do this, when when this is happening, then that's that's a great time for you to pop in, you know, you can you can enter it's not going to be so significant for you interrupt me during that time. But claiming that space, claiming that audio space is going to help you out quite a bit. So you're not overstressed.

Christina Wooten 32:07

One strategy I will say is, if you aren't sure if something is right, say it out loud. Because as a Sound Sensitive, you really feel it in the vibration of the words whether that feels right to you or not. Okay, whether it feels like truth.

Christina Wooten 32:25

All right, so our third one is for the intuitive types is claircognizance or clear knowing. So claircognizance is the ability for extrasensory information to be impressed upon and received directly into your cognition. Usually, it's spontaneous and defies all logical information. So it's this transfer of knowledge that happens without you, the recipient, knowing how it got there, you have no idea. You can track try and track it back, "I don't know how I know, I just know" period. hard stop. I know some people like to use the term downloads and they say, you know, I got a download. And that's typically referring to claiaudience or claircognizance. So it can be either one of those, but it might be a little bit of hint for you, if you're not sure you understand claircognizance as well. One of the things that's so interesting, though, about claircognizance is there's this strength to the information because it's transferred directly into your consciousness. There is a confidence that comes with that information. Like there have been times where I've had claircognizant information, I would battle to the death for somebody over this because I knew a million there wasn't any way I was misinterpreting 1,000,000% This is the reality of the situation.

Christina Wooten 33:43

In our quiz, we call this Epic Instinct because it's exactly what it is. It's like this instant, powerful unquestioning download, it just is. It is what it is. That is what claircognizance is all about. And I think about pop culture references. And so I was thinking about Tyrion Lannister, so I don't know if you guys watch Game of Thrones. It's pretty intense. When I watched Game of Thrones, it was this Tyrion Lannister character and one of the things he became famous for was this quote, I drink and I know things. And that is claircognizance. That's what we're talking about. Tyrion Lannister is clear cognizant Okay.

Robert Wooten 34:23

I think he was trying to separate those two things, not lump them together were drinks. And he knows things. Those are two different things, right?

Christina Wooten 34:30

It is, but I will say, okay, true. Let's truth talk here on the podcast. So I get asked about, you know, people sometimes drink or imbibe, and they might have more intuitive impressions during that time. And so the question is like, Oh, is this is this fine. So, anytime you're releasing, you're relaxing. There's less inhibitions. Then there's more of a sense of openness. So if you're naturally intuitive And you're kind of releasing some of those inhibitions and boundaries, more information can come in, in the long run, we don't really want to do that in the sense of, you know, I'm not doing mediumship, you know, after having a glass of wine. And the reason is because you need to have strong boundaries in intuition work. And if you're releasing your boundaries, and then, you know, and releasing your inhibitions and judgment, and then doing intuitive work, that's a dangerous recipe from you know, a psychic safety perspective.

Christina Wooten 35:32

So, anyway, some common clear Cognizant examples, one strong urge to grab something before you leave the house. And turns out you need it. And sometimes you're smart, and you actually grab it. And sometimes you go, Ah, I wish I had got my umbrella. Okay, but either way, there was claircognizance. And internal knowing that quote of I just have this strong feeling something is going to change with him in December, or someone saying to you, how did you know that I never told you that. Now, this is an interesting one, because it's, it's one that a lot of people can't relate to, until you've started doing some deeper intuitive work. But this is real, y'all being pre mad at someone, this is psychic problems, okay? Be in pre med with somebody where you're just, you know, you know, something's coming, you know, who it's coming from. And it's like that feeling of you're waiting for the shoe to drop, you know, whatever it is, has, essentially, that energy is already formed, and it's happened. And you're just waiting for it to reveal itself. And pre mat is weird, because you're just in that space for like, I don't know what happened. I mean, Robert, you've heard me say this before, of, I don't know what it was. But, you know, I'm just waiting to find out what, and then then like, the next day or two days later, it's like, oh, that's what it was.

Robert Wooten 36:58

Yes, I have seen that happen. I have seen you, I can see when the energy changes in you and you are upset about something and yet nothing yet has happened. And yet, it's an anticipation, you're anticipating you know, something is, and you're just waiting for it. And that's that's a strange thing to watch. But it has been validated so many times.

Christina Wooten 37:18

It's a little bit of a confusing element. Because it's, it's a no, I know something. I just don't have all the details yet. And so you're just like, having to wait. Anyway. So this that's definitely an interesting one. Okay, seeing a picture and just getting a strong impression of Nope, not for me just by seeing a picture. Or you just don't know why. But no, that's a no. Or you might see someone have immediate, like, not not a good person, or, Nope, that's something you need to avoid or stay away from. But it's just it's, it's like it bypasses your cognition completely. And there's no logical element to it. It's just an instant response. Anytime you're talking about gut feeling, you're talking about claircognizance, or having knowledge in an area that you don't have any idea where that possibly could come from. So you're randomly talking with someone and suddenly, information about Dog Training comes out that has a certain elevate, you've never learned anything about dog training, you don't know what you're talking and just it's like this information that you can, you know, look up afterwards is totally accurate. Just Where did this come from? claircognizance is that download into cognition? And that's where it gets confusing for people because they don't know that it's happened until the experience comes up where they need that information, and then boom, it's there. So that's the part that leaves people sometimes a little bit confused.

Christina Wooten 38:52

But people with claircognizance are absolutely amazing in a crisis. These are the people you want to be like handling the Titanic evacuation, okay? Because Claire cognizance just has that knowing it's a firmness, it's a authoritative response. And because it comes in immediately and so quickly, and so naturally, it's really, really beautiful and lends itself very well to things that would normally shake other people. So also, people with claircognizance just have that wonderful ability to make a quick decision and a quick call. So also really great at first impressions, like I mentioned, just seeing a picture just seeing someone they can know right away, whether it's someone they gravitate towards, and similar to an empath, so we're going to talk about that next. People with claircognizance also are geared really well for sales work. So it's kind of interesting, and people claircognizance are also means seem to do well in a professional environment too.

Christina Wooten 40:01

But the key with people with this particular ability is learning to trust yourself, there's some sort of a theme on a higher level for you about having to learn to trust yourself. Because in this way, there's no way you can logic it. It just is a knowing and a knowledge you have and it's exclusive to you it's it's something you can't show someone else, you can't describe the message to something you can, this is what it is. So it's a process of learning how to trust yourself.

Robert Wooten 40:30

I've seen you do that time and time again, with things like herbs, for instance, where you just know what herbs should apply when you need it, or a crystal that should just be used in this certain condition. And it's interesting, as you were first learning to trust this, it was interesting to watch you say the name of a herb, or say the name of a crystal, and then having no knowledge for no previous knowledge before that. And then go look it up and go. Yeah, look at that you look it up. And it's exactly the thing that needs to be used, right where you said it should be used. And that is the essence of claircognizance is just as knowing of something that you really would have no way to have known it before that point.

Christina Wooten 41:15

There's, there's a really strong sense of you can't control it, because it's not like you can see it coming and be like, okay, just backup, it's just there. Like I said, something comes up, it triggers the Oh, here's the information, and then you go Where the heck did this come from? So there's such a strong element of trust that you have to have. And of course that you're learning as you develop this particular skill.

Christina Wooten 41:45

And the tip that I would have for people who are predominantly clear Cognizant, and one, I would say that's a, that's a rare, so of the four, that is rare. But for people with this don't force, okay, so state what you know, and you don't have to push it. So stick with what you know to be true. So say, for example, you get that feeling or that message, something's going to change with him in December. Well, somebody starts asking you, well, what about this? Or what do you think is happening with it? Well, if you don't have that information, just stick with what you have up. I don't know, what I can tell you is what I know, what I know is this. So stay with that. If you push a whole lot or push out of your scope or out of your boundary, for what you know, you're likely to get off track or you're likely to, you know, again, bring in the ego to the message which changes the message. So for people with claircognizance, go with your gut, and stick with what you know. And that's how you deliver the message. Even if you're not the winning side. This is this is how I know it. You just have to get comfortable with saying, "I don't know, this is what I have. This is what I do know."

Christina Wooten 42:55

So people with this dominant clairsentience are naturally really compassionate people, and prefer peace, unity, and really work to seek that out. And because they've spent years encountering emotion and processing it, even the stuff that isn't theirs, their gift really lends to a powerful potential to process and heal their own deeper emotions, there's a little bit of a clue here, for people with this ability that you're a strong emotional processor. And utilizing it in an intentional way for your own healing is pretty incredible. people with this ability can also be very charismatic, and great at shifting and flexing into environments and situations that other might be just a little too rigid bore, okay, because you're adapting and able to do that in a pretty profound way. These are the natural healers of the world. And you can end up in helping professions such as nursing, or counseling or health coaching, or working with animals or even, you know, people who are guided to nature, so maybe doing forest service through work or those types of things.

Christina Wooten 42:55

So natural aptitudes are energy healing, pendulum work, muscle testing, or dowsing that works really well for people with strong empathic abilities. And again, this is one that lends itself really nicely to medical intuitive work. Also connecting deeper with crystals or animal communication, all of that's really connected with clairsentience at a higher level.

Christina Wooten 42:55

So my big tip for people with this as a dominant language is, it's so important to do deep inner healing work for your inner child, that is a number one crucial for you on a deeper level. And the reason for this is, it's important to really heal your past, because people with strong empathic abilities often have had some pretty major mountains that they've had to go through in their life. So being able to go back to that inner child to that pure to that innocent place to that one who's experiencing that innocence in unity in a deeper level, and doing some significant healing work there. And also so that your the emotional load for you isn't so strong, if you have a lot of emotion that you're carrying around in your auric field, especially old trauma, old stuff. And then you're picking up as you're walking through Walmart, everybody else's stuff, just a little like a little sampler. That's what's happening. And so if you have a lot of emotional load as a baseline for things that haven't been resolved, then that's so much more taxing because you don't have as much space. It's exhausting to your energy fields. So the more that you can get counseling for yourself, or even a women's group or some sort of supportive environment that helps you get into that deeper healing work to release old emotional load that will save your energy in the long run.

Christina Wooten 42:59

Okay, our last intuitive type that we're going to talk about today is clairsentience or clear feeling. So clairsentience is the ability for extrasensory information to be received through feelings and emotions and physical sensations. So you guys are probably familiar with the term empath. If not, you haven't been listening the podcast for long. So stick with us. an empath is just developed and dominant clairsentience. Okay, so y'all remember Troy from Star Trek? Right? Or maybe I'm dating myself a little bit here. Was it next generation? Yes, Star Trek next generation. I watched that when I was little, and I loved Troy. Okay, but Troy was the counselor in next generation. And she is a great cultural example of what the impact looks like. In clairsentience, the receiver just picks up on the emotional state or physical pain of other people without realizing that it's someone else's discomfort, and not their own, just suddenly having this feeling or these sensations wash through their body. And that can be really confusing because it has fluidity to it, you know, shifting and changing with the amount of people that you're being exposed to, or the environment you're being exposed to. So people with this ability, have a really sensitive auric field and tap into this awareness unconsciously just by walking into your room, or thinking about another person or being around someone. So it's a very subconscious process.

Christina Wooten 44:35

So some examples of the empath or clairsentience is feeling that someone's in the room with you. So that creepy sensation sometimes that we get when you're in a room or in an area by yourself and you know, you're by yourself, but suddenly feel like oh, I'm not by myself. Okay? That's an empathic or clairsentience feeling okay? having pain that someone else has, okay. So you suddenly start having a head pain, find out later, your mom was having some, you know, having a migraine and dealing with some things, feeling pulled in a direction. So if you're doing healing work and your hands are feeling pulled or guided in an area that is clairsentience, feeling the heaviness of a place, or the lightness of a place, so feeling the beautiful uplifting energy of sacred places like Sedona, or Mount Shasta, or feeling the heaviness of Auschwitz, you know, both of those are empathic abilities, being super sensitive to astrological forces or moon phases. So with someone who's clairsentience, it's, they're really reflecting in a magnified way, what's happening around them. And so very sensitive to things that are astrological or moon, it's almost like they're channeling these influences, and again, magnifying them and reflecting them out into the environment. Feeling someone looking at you, you're so good at this, Robert good, just have that. Like, if somebody just looks at you for a second, like boom, your eyes immediately like head turns, you're staring at them. It's kind of uncanny feeling when someone's standing right behind you, or definitely just natural light detecting ability. So someone's talking to you, and you can just feel their untruthfulness in their auric field, it's just like you said that feeling or being influenced by other people's emotions.

Robert Wooten 49:48

I would say also a very good tip is to learn to discern your own energy from other people's energy. When you are learning how to tap into this superpower. It is really important not to take on other people's energy when you feel it. Like if you feel a person has a headache, for instance, and you're going to offer them, this comes in real handy when you're doing things like energy work. But if you are feeling where their pain is in your own physical body, you have to distance yourself from that and not absorb it, to learn how to shield yourself away from that without distancing yourself from your empathetic response, your desire to want to help that person. So you have to learn how to No, that's not my pain, or that's not my problem. An example for myself is one time when I was younger, I went to a friend of mine's father's funeral. This person wasn't a super close friend of mine, but they were a friend of other friends. And so we were all supporting our friend there. I'd never met her father before, I'd never met any of these people at this funeral before. But at this funeral, I was just overcome with this immense feeling of grief and loss. And I became very emotional, even though I knew none of these people. And I felt numb, I had no connection to any of those feelings. It was all from these other people. And I had to learn how to push that aside out of my own field, to know that that was not my pain to feel that was their pain to feel I could offer comfort and support. But I didn't have to absorb that pain to myself. So that's a tip that you as you explore your empathetic responses is to recognize their pain from your pain, and not let it dissuade you from wanting to help. But yet also not onboarding it to yourself.

Christina Wooten 51:30

But the key really is about being able to receive the information. So being able to Okay, there's a lot of grief here that's happening. I've received that message. Thank you for that message, and an acknowledgement of, you know, really that question, Is this mine? A lot of times the answer is going to be no. And that just question putting that out there. And the response or validation of Oh, no, this isn't mine immediately allows a lot of that to release. So that's a beautiful thing. But the key is, as you get into developing that sensitivity into higher levels, you're developing your other channels, which allows information to come to you without it being exclusively through the emotions, which can be taxing over time, especially if you're still learning boundaries, learning how to have healthy boundaries, because like you said, the empath is incredibly an exceptionally compassionate and struggle sometimes because it's, they feel the pain and suffering of other people, to discern, what's mine to respond to, knowing I can't fix this for this person, I can be aware of this, I can maybe offer support, but I can't do that work for them. So it's learning how to create that separation and that healthy boundary, there are tons of healthy empaths that are out there. I want to emphasize that because that that exists. And just because you're increasing, I hear this from people with strong clairsentience, a nervousness almost of Oh my God, if I increase my sensitivity, like, and it's already a little bit unmanageable, what in the world am I supposed to do with this. And the reality is, when you understand the process, and you understand what you're being taught on a higher level, and how to implement some of these things like boundaries, and actually seeing that happen. It's like, it's such a relief, it's such a relief, to be able to love someone, regardless of where they are, without feeling like you have to fix them that there's nothing wrong with them, to be able to truly love them and see, even though they're feeling this way, even though this, this thing is happening, they are okay, on a deeper level. And, and that's something that takes a lot of work in this particular area. And just you know, in communal, communal environment, where Empaths we're all talking to each other. That's one of the things that it takes a little bit of time, but tons of healthy Empaths. And we have so many different ways of actually talking about it now, in a way that we never did before. So there's never been a generation of healthier Empaths, because we're talking about it. And that's a big deal. All bringing it to the light.

Christina Wooten 54:25

So when you know your dominant intuitive sense, you can start recognizing it for what it is start paying attention to what's coming through and also knowing what impressions are coming through stronger than others. So you can start diving into stimulating that intuition. You can know that higher mind senses to listen and to lean into. So take your time and I invite you again if you haven't taken the quiz at, 'What is your Intuitive Superpower?' Go ahead and do that. It'll give you Just clearly because sometimes people think they're going to register in one end, and they really don't. But it because it has to do a little bit with the overlap and some of the language we use like claircognizance - empath use feeling words, you know, sometimes clairaudience is a lot of feeling words. So it's, you know, having to get into the nitty gritty, but go ahead and do that And thanks for all of you for joining us today for shining your light out into the world for, you know, listening and connecting and also choosing to understand how you can connect deeper with Spirit and what some of the experiences that we have that are totally normal experiences that I think we don't talk about enough, you know, maybe that's me, so I'm sending out love and many blessings to all of you. Namaste.

Robert Wooten 55:52

The Modern Life and Spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. Information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, see


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