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4 Things that may be Blocking your Spirit Guides #155

woman facing away standing under a white veil looking out, mountains in background

Are you feeling like your Spirit Guides are blocked?

There are four powerful blocks that can potentially hinder your connection with your loving Spirit Guides. And at some point or another, they are going to show up as we learn to balance Ego and evolution.

But, it can be easy to say...

"well, my Guides just haven't said anything about this. I'm wondering if they are even there."


"I feel like something is trying to come through, but I'm just not getting it."

Instead, when you are having trouble with your connection - know that Spirit is always there guiding, loving, and supporting you. You may just be unintentionally blocking exactly what you are so desperate for.

Identify Spirit Guide blocks

In this episode, we'll help you identify if you have some barriers to your deepening connection and how to overcome them so you can experience the level of support you deserve!


How can we help you?

About Christina Wooten:

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.

She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher. Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.

To learn more about her offerings, click here

To start developing your intuition, take the Intuition Quiz

About Robert Wooten:

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.

Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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From navigating the Dark night of the Soul to discovering signs from your loved ones in Spirit - we've got you covered.

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