Revisiting your Reading: How to Find the Messages you Missed #223

Revisiting your Psychic Reading
Have you ever gone back to a favorite movie or re-read a favorite book, only to notice something new that you completely missed the first time? The same thing happens with psychic readings! Spirit’s messages often unfold in layers, and sometimes, the insight you need right now was already given to you—you just weren’t ready to hear it yet.
Spirit always knows what we need before we do. Even when we don’t fully grasp a message in the moment, our Guides plant seeds, knowing that when the time is right, we’ll come back and hear it in a whole new way.
In this episode, we’re diving into how to revisit your past reading recordings with fresh ears to uncover guidance, clarity, and deeper meaning for your life right now.
Here's a sneak peek of what we talk about:
✨ Why spirit’s messages evolve with you over time
✨ How to use number synchronicities (like 33 or your personal repeating numbers) to find hidden insights
✨ Ways to listen with an open, present-moment focus to hear what you need today
Messages are revealed to us with perfect Divine Timing. If you are in need of more guidance and support right now, it's a good time to revisit your Spirit messages and see what you may have missed.
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About Christina Wooten:

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher. Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.
She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
To learn more about her offerings, click here
To start developing your intuition, take the Intuition Quiz

About Robert Wooten:
Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here
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