Identifying the Soul Challenge Relationship
A Soul Challenge relationship is a contracted relationship, in which both parties have made a firm commitment, on the Soul level, to serve one another through providing opportunities for development and evolution. This evolution is often to transform a trigger or wound (from previous a lifetime, in some cases from multiple lifetimes).
In human life this may look like that person who knows exactly how to find your red nuclear button and enthusiastically push it. No matter how much you guard against it, somehow they ferret it out and shatter illusions you may have about yourself. This method highlights your personal triggers by tangling up in your Ego knots. It also forces you to look at yourself in new ways. Kind of like shining a flashlight into inner caves that you would rather remain hidden. These interactions are memorable and usually stay with you.
More often than not, the Soul Challenge relationships are seen in family units – where extended and frequent influence in the person's life occurs. These are people that in your human life, you can't easily shake as much as you may wish to, at times!
For example, a parent and child may incarnate as challenge relationship, siblings may be in this role for one another, etc. In some cases authority figures may be a challenge relationship for you. A challenge relationship will always be someone you can't easily get rid of. This is intentional, because the natural instinct is to avoid triggers thus you may find yourself avoiding these interactions. If given the option, you may try to flee the situation. The Soul Challenge relationship will prevent full avoidance.
But much like the lump of Coal turns to the diamond under pressure, the end result of this friction is transformation to a new higher frequency and release of unresolved wounds being carried lifetime to lifetime in the energy field. The lesson that this type of relationship brings forward for you is intricately linked with what your Soul has chosen to learn, focus on, or specific themes in your life – just in a magnified way.
A Soul Challenge relationship is often marked by the following, in varying degrees of intensity:
*Recurring conflict, difficulty, or alienation
*problems in communication and understanding
*due to their position, inability to bypass or avoid interactions
*feeling drawn to revisit these experiences in your mind, often bringing you to try new things, push past your comfort zone
*Marks significant learning lessons in your life: Ex: 'I learned with so and so to try XYZ.'
*sometimes feeling like the relationship requires you to go against your status quo
Not every difficult relationship is a Soul Challenge relationship with ultimate benefits. Discernment is important here. In situations that are physically, spiritually, emotionally abusive or unsafe – get help immediately from proper authorities and support networks. A Soul Challenge relationship will push you to grow, but will not be unsafe.
Ultimately at it's core the Soul Challenge relationship is one of the most loving interactions Souls share with one another. There is no greater gift than the growth which brings us closer to developing the Divine consciousness within. This love and respect for one another for being a catalyst for this level of growth is big. Despite challenges on the Earth Plane, you must love each other very much to support the growth of the Soul!
Your Soul Challenge relationships may have no idea they are playing this role for you. In fact, on some level they may be puzzled as to why they always respond or react to you in a certain way. They may even feel as if some experiences are orchestrated. There is mutual learning that occurs in these relationships, even if the trigger resolution seems to be more for one than the other.
Through recognizing the Soul Challenge relationships in your life, you may begin to see through frustration and difficulty of these connections and use the energy for growth and development.
When you encounter an opportunity for growth, such as this, stretch, try something new, learn, study, and try out your new skills. The mind will be confounded by how to solve the challenge. This growth is in your heart and consciousness. So tap your deepest inner knowing to transform from trigger to unity.