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The missing piece for healing money mindset blocks #38

Have you ever wondered where some of the negative beliefs you have about money come from? Why do you think "Money is the root of all evil," or that "all wealthy people are corrupt and selfish?" Getting to the bottom of those thoughts, and clearing them from your energy can not only open up your abundance blocks, but free you and the next 7 generations after you, from a lifetime of financial struggle.

In this episode of Modern Life and Spirit, we discuss:

*The one thing missing when most people think about healing their abundance blocks (3:25)

*How your beliefs and experiences affect more than just you (4:25)

*How you can see your healed and unhealed issues directly reflected in your children, and what to do about it (6:42)

*A scientific study that answers the question “Can your current fears can be passed on to your children and grandchildren in your DNA?” (7:24)

*Ways the Spiritual community show they need to heal these money blocks (10:55)

*How to identify certain blocks in your own family can start the process of healing them (11:47)

*Some examples of money blockage statements to test your response (13:46)

*Two great books: “Get Rich Lucky Bitch” by Denice Duffield Thomas and “The Soul of Money” can give you some great starting points to begin your healing journey. (16:48)

*The first step to identifying your family's attitude toward money, even if you were adopted (17:50)

*Key questions to ask to get you started on locating the sources of your blockage beliefs (19:22)

Of the money blocks that you have, can you trace back to where they start?

Where did that come from? What did you experience?

What experiences did you have in your life that validated that belief or generated that unhealthy idea for you?

Do you remember times where family members may have talked in your presence about money, or talked about other people and money at the same time?

What was the overall relationship that your parents had around money?"

*A simple yet powerful Hawaiian prayer for forgiveness that brings profound results (21:31)

*Understanding that this is not about blame (23:48)

*How Indigos may view this process (25:10)

Bonus resources from Episode #38 The missing piece to healing money mindset blocks:

For some, spirituality and money seem to be two conflicting energies. Especially when we are surrounded by ideas such as "earning" money, which leaves an unconscious money block of not deserving money. Ever noticed how money is tied into guilt, fear, and anxiety for so many people? No wonder we aren't talking about it, sometimes avoid it, or maybe even reject it all together!

On today's episode we are building bridges between money and spirituality. We explore how to understand the energy of money and how to weave together spiritual thoughts into our material mindset.

Through applying a new, spiritual approach to your finances, you can tap into your true abundance potential.


Ho'oponopono prayer - Traditional Hawaiian forgiveness practice.


Hey - before you go, share some good energy and let us know if you enjoy the show by giving us a review on Apple podcast!


Modern Life and Spirit_EP38_Money Mindset Blocks

Mon, 7/19 5:46PM • 28:52


money, healing, generations, expressed, blocks, thought, family lineage, talk, impact, beliefs, passed, wooten, smell, fear, today, deeper, world, practice, indigo, people


Christina Wooten, Narrator, Robert Wooten

Christina Wooten 00:02

Money blocks can bring such strong automatic responses that you may feel frustrated about why you are still feeling anxiety and stress around money and manifesting, there is one important healing practice that many people miss when they're upgrading their money beliefs. But this one thing can help not only you, but the seven generations after you.

Narrator 00:25

Welcome to the Modern Llife and Spirit podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts, certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki Master Teacher, Robert Wooten break down how to work with Spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten 00:48

Hey there kindred spirits. Welcome to our podcast. Welcome to our little virtual sacred space. My name is Christina Wooten, I am a certified psychic medium, and I'm here today with Robert Wooten, who is a certified Reiki Master Teacher. Say hi, Robert.

Robert Wooten 01:03

Hello there.

Christina Wooten 01:05

And today we are going to talk about a missing piece that many people overlook. And actually, it's really easy to overlook in your quest to heal money and abundance blockages. If you haven't listened to the "Spirit of Money," Episode Number 11 of this podcast, it may help you and as a complement to what we're going to talk about today to also go back and listen to that one as well. Again, that's called the "Spirit of Money," and it's Episode 11. But we're going to be a little more laser focused or a little more targeted today in getting into what specifically can help you get to that next level. And again, it's always about going deeper. How do we go deeper and get the most bang for your buck as a little pun, to come in? But how do we do that sort of healing that cascades into all the other areas of life, and really helps to shift our vibration? So the truth is, you can read lots of mindset books, you can join endless Facebook groups or boot camps about money and manifesting. But if you do overlook this particular component, it will continue to leave that question of where did this predisposition to money blocks even come from? So where does this immediate, obvious visceral reaction that happens more quickly than even your conscious thought can form? Where does that come from. So I think that this element is what people who are actively trying to heal their money blocks are really wanting to do, wanting to get to that place where you just pattern interrupt that immediate negative unconscious snap reaction or those thoughts to to interrupt it long enough to implant a healthier thought, so that you aren't having that immediate stress or anxiety pop up, and then having to use that new thought to reprogram your mind after the stress chemicals are already all in this whole soup. And to do this to get to that switch that gets switched on. So immediately, you have to look in one direction that may be impacting more than you would like to believe. So today we're going to talk about the power of family lineage healing, and how that is connected with your money and mindset blockages, and also how that's the key to really healing some of those money mindset blockages. So we're going to talk about the science that shows us that passed down fearful beliefs don't just come from our environment. But your ancestors can also potentially alter how your genes are expressed, and pass on fears through how your DNA expresses itself. We're also going to talk about some common money blocks and one practice that you can do to start generating the type of healing that gets you past that automatic fear response. Alright, so that being said, let's dive in. Some Native American groups have openly talked about the responsibility that each person has on the seven generations following them. So how your choices, your beliefs, your experiences, are directly linked to those who are seven generations down your family lineage. And that link actually goes both ways - the healing you do in this lifetime, the efforts that you make to transform your shadow to express your authentic self more fully, your higher self on the earth plane will also positively impact your lineage seven generations away. So both the unhealed aspects of yourself and the healed aspects of yourself really impacting all of those down the line. And I really love that thought process. Because, you know, I know that when I became a parent, it really changes how you look at your own sense of responsibility towards, I see my unhealed stuff being reflected back to me. And I see the healed stuff also being reflected back to me. So it makes it so much more in your face, and so much more real, that we do pass these things along, but not just in our thoughts and how we're expressing things and more of an environment sort of model, but also how we're expressing things in a deeper way.

Robert Wooten 05:43

I think that we could do a whole other podcast on conscious parenting that would address a lot of those issues of how, for instance, we as more modern parents, parent in a different way. We try to be more conscious of, for instance, what is the lesson we're trying to teach? Not just, you know, make your children be afraid of you so that they'll listen to do what you want them to do, as past models of parenting may have done generations ago. So I think that what you're talking about here is this conscious stewardship, from a cultural perspective, perhaps from the Native American perspective, but also from a societal aspect of how we're paying attention to the impact of the things that we do, and the things that we say, affect our children, and then they're going to teach it to their children, and they're going to teach it to their children, and it's just going to get passed down. And no one, several generations down will really know where that came from, And it came from much farther back.

Christina Wooten 06:42

You want to talk about interconnectedness? Parenting, you can really, really see that. And even if you don't have children, or if that's, you know, a path that you haven't chosen for yourself, we can all see that in the children that are in our lives one way or another, how they are reflecting back information that they're receiving, both in a constructive way, and also in illuminating places where there might need to be healing. But I think it's interesting that science is validating this seven generation concept, talking about specifically how certain fears can be inherited through the generations. And there was this one study, I mentioned it before, but it's just such a strong impact for when, we talk about family and lineage healing. So there was a group of mice that were trained to fear and associate this smell of a certain chemical that had it like a cherry and an almond sort of smell to it, with being shocked an electric shock. So they began to associate when that smell would come on, they would begin to react within their physical body, preparing for the stress of the shock. So descendants of those mice who had been trained in that experience, who had never encountered that smell before, when they were exposed to that smell, at a whole separate time, they began to react in a physical way in response to that smell. So what we learned about this from a genetic perspective is how, you know DNA itself takes a little bit for that shift to occur for shifts to change, it's a little more, I guess, I'd say stable in some ways, although that's very relative. But for a survival instinct, how our genes are expressed. So whether something's turned on whether something is not, you know, demonstrating itself is much more fluid, and much more instantaneous, in what's able to be passed on. So in this case, it there was markers specifically for how that gene was expressed. So it heightened receptors for that smell for the mice, even though they had never had that experience before. So when we take a look at how there's these adaptive responses, where our ancestors and our family lineage, they're determining what creates or generates fear within them. And then they're passing on not just the thought process, not just the belief, not just what we see around them, but then there's a predisposition to how those genetics are expressed.

Robert Wooten 09:32

What's fascinating about that is that study was pointing out how we have always - well, as soon as we learned about genes and genetic and DNA encoding of how DNA gets encoded based on a survival instinct, like an animal learning to avoid eating something that's poisonous, and then two or three generations down those those offspring automatically know not to eat that thing. So we have known that for a while and it makes sense if you think about the fact that things like artistic skill, or you know, the ability to play a piano or even a sports skill is passed on from generation to generation, I could see why this would definitely be something that you could see being passed on, of a predisposition towards behaving in a certain way around certain influences.

Christina Wooten 10:19

So, the big question for today is, what does this look like in the context of money? So what are we talking about? The meat and potatoes of the money element is that money, fears and anxieties can be passed down from generation to generation, and you can pass on down your own money fears to the next generation. As we talked about earlier, you can also pass on positive, on healthy relationship with money and abundance when you are doing your own work. I also want to mention that there is a lot of money baggage that comes with the spiritual community. I've seen many a Facebook argument, I'm sure all of our listeners have also encountered or participated one way or another in discussion. And I would propose also, that as we discussed this to just consider how important it is that we do our own healing around money blocks, and how those money blocks ourselves can impact the bigger spiritual community in a positive way to seven generations down. So just want to like, plant that little seed in there that that we can impact and raise the vibration of that discussion as well. So even in your environment, with your family, you may have seen examples of money blocks or issues that have really turned you off. So some examples might have been if your parents fought a lot around money, if you had to ask a lot for your needs to be met. And were shamed perhaps for doing that. If money was used as a control mechanism in the family, whether you saw that with your grandparents are with your parents, and that can get I think money and control can really have a strong impact if you witnessed or experienced threats of being cut off or disinherited or irresponsibility with money or just a general avoidance of it completely. So, like in the Ssouth, where I was raised, you know, it is impolite to discuss money, to talk about it, to be open about it. Those are the types of things that are kind of behind closed doors. And it's just considered exceptionally rude to even comment or acknowledge or discuss, which I think is very unfortunate, because through collaboration, we learn a lot through new perspectives, we learn a lot in some of these places where we're stuck, to be able to communicate about them and get more help or get more support and have less shame around it can be really amazing. Some examples of money blocks, specifically that can crop up - and these are just a few, not all just a couple of examples - If, when I say the word "money block," you are like feeling blocked, like "What are you talking about? What do you, what do you mean?" These are just some examples of thought bubbles or things that can represent that there's some deeper elements in connection with money to look at. As I say these, I invite you to listen to your own reactions in your body to see how reactive you are to one statement or another. So just tuning in and just listening. When I say each one, do you feel that "HmmHmm", or that "Ummm?" repulsion. Okay, so "Money is the root of all evil." "Wealthy people are corrupt." "Money is used to control." "When people are suffering in the world, it's selfish of me to have or want financial abundance." "I don't trust my decision making when it comes to money." "If you have nothing, then you have nothing to lose." "You have to work so hard for every penny." "Having a fear of success because you believe it will lead you to failure." So these are just some examples of the thought processes that we may have within us in the background, are also things that are can be perpetuated by society that represents a lack of flow of energy because a block is just a lack of flow of energy and balance in our energetic system.

Robert Wooten 14:46

It's interesting if you are really paying attention to how you are responding or feeling. Some of these really seem to have an emotional component to them, or maybe that's just me. Is that when you hear a certain thing said you might reflect on where you have heard that said before? Who did you hear tell you that? And why does it have such an emotional feeling? Like this idea of "You have to work hard for every penny?" That is a, that's a very profound one. It's something that a lot of people believe, but why do you believe it? Where did it come from this thought that you really have to work hard for every penny? And if you don't work hard, you haven't earned the money is this sort of the implication there. I feel an emotional response from that, you know. Yeah, "nothing in life is free," was a thing I heard a lot,

Christina Wooten 15:28

I can feel that from you. But knowing you, I know, some of your background is coming from, you know, very homesteading farming type of background and environment. And where there was a lot of, you have to do it yourself. It was a lot of you have to earn every single element. And you know, there were certainly some worthy- ness. Did you?

Robert Wooten 15:55


Christina Wooten 15:56

Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, that should definitely be added to the list, "Nothing in life is free." You know, there's always like the idea of having a negative cost. So I think that's a direct example of how that being embedded within you from the past can really impact. And that thought process, that thought bubble is within you all the time. But just having it come to the surface, brings that emotional - so it's it's hard for us to realize sometimes that that pain is there, when we're used to operating with it, right? Right. So thank you for sharing, because I think that was, you know, it helps us to get a little vulnerable when we're talking about this real stuff. So I appreciate you sharing it in this forum and being emotional about it, because that's really important. And I just wanted to say that, thank you. What helped me when I was looking back at my childhood, and the things that I experienced from the lineages before around money, was this one particular practice from a book called "Get Rich, Lucky Bitch," which is written by Denise Duffield, Thomas. And a friend of mine had recommended that to me around just past many blocks that she was going through, and she thought, "Oh, wow, there's some aha moments, I want to share them with you." And so I did really enjoy the book. But I wanted to briefly talk about one particular exercise, obviously, I can't go into the depth that comes from the book. So I encourage you if that is something you're working on, this may be really helpful. Or, you know, in the past, we've talked about Lynne Twist with "The Soul of Money," that can be a good one, too. And my understanding is she's coming out with a new book, which I look forward to reading also,

Robert Wooten 17:42

We'll put links to those both of those books in the show notes, right?

Christina Wooten 17:45

Yeah, I can put that into the show notes for Episode 38. The first step with her particular process is identifying what are some of the events and experiences that you can remember in your life and in your family life that revolve around money? And this is just like a brainstorming session where you're just - anything that had to do with money, positive, negative, challenging - like what what are your memories that are connected and associated? What were the thought processes that were expressed? What did you witness around you? What did the other generations you know, push yourself back? And say, for example, if you - maybe were adopted, okay, adopted by one person adopted by, you know, your entire family - and so you're thinking, "Well, how can this apply to me as well?" Well, how we're raised can activate or change how certain gene expressions are. So even if you are adopted, you look back at what your environment is. Maybe there's things that you know, also about your biological family that you want to include in this as well. But that's okay, just look at what you encountered. And once you've done this, like brain dump for everything, and, you know, see what comes out, I was so surprised when I did it. The memories that I had, it was like, "Oh, yeah, I remember this, I'd completely forgotten." So a couple of questions that to help get you started. So if you're struggling in this, and you are trying to figure out like, "I don't know," you're sitting there with a blank sheet of paper and a pen, "I'm not sure what to do." Here are a couple of questions to just help you a bit: "Where do some of the money blocks that you have, can you trace back to where they start?" So Robert was sharing about, you know, having to work hard for every penny. So the question would be, like, Where did that come from? What did you experience? What experiences did you have in your life around you that validated that belief or generated that for you? So that would be where we start. Do you remember times where family members may have talked in your presence about money, or talked about other people and money at the same time? I remember that being in this in this small town, I would I would visit with one of my grandparents who is in a very small town in North Carolina. And I would go over to this neighbor's house across the street. And I just liked her, I thought she was really fun. But every now and then I would hear her have these conversations about, like negatively kind of gossiping about another neighbor or another person in connection with how that person spent their money or what they had done with their money, or they're being showy. And so those are the types of things also that I want you to think about. Maybe these are from family members, or neighbors, or church members, or synagogue members, or whatever. And then the last question, just to jog that thought process for you is "What was the overall relationship that your parents had around money?" And I'm going to put all these in the show notes. So you don't have to, you know, scribble or stop driving today to write them down. Don't worry about it, it'll be there for you in the show notes. Once you have this list of your family and yourself, then you're going to use this beautiful ho'oponopono, forgiveness practice to bring in a whole new healing energy. And I'm telling you that you are going to hear and go "Ah, this is simple." But you know what? Big, beautiful healing can be very simple. Let's give ourself permission today, that healing can be easy, that we can make it easy. So what you're going to do is repeat this statement, this mantra, this prayer, however, when you want to choose to look at, it's a Hawaiian forgiveness practice. And as you think about each of these individual beliefs, the ones that were difficult for you are brought up, you know, triggered painful elements, you're going to just continue to recite this to that particular situation, and where that memory lives within your body, where that memory lives within your consciousness and yourself. And you're going to say this several times until you start to feel some release. And you may have to - my experience was that I had to come back to this because I had a long list, I was like, "I'm going to do this work," really like it was a two hour long list. And so what I did was I would come back or do maybe three at a time. And I would feel the emotions as I did this, and then feel the healing come in. So don't rush yourself throughout this just keep you know, dedicating time to come back to it. Because that's when you'll get a little bit more meaning. So the ho'oponopono practice is to say to the situation to the consciousness, to that experience the following words: "I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you. I love you." So really simple. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you, I love you." If you've never used this practice before, it's very simple. But again, it's using the most powerful forces in the world together to transform. So releasing that ego and the blessing of love and gratitude. It is powerful medicine, they even encourage it in the Hawaiian justice system, which I think is is interesting. You know, there's this huge acknowledgement of how it helps. And you may be thinking, "Wait a minute, some of these, you know, these beliefs aren't mine, you know that that's the situation, someone else maybe caused distress or created this experience for you. That was really hurtful. Why am I having to say I'm sorry, please forgive me, what, what is that about?" And I want you to release that idea of blame, and release that idea of it's pointing the finger, and it's your fault. Ultimately, we're just expressing that in our own way, we're harming ourselves by not releasing the energy, by owning the energy by allowing it to sit on its own little throne, inside of our head, in our mind. And so that's really the place where we're apologizing to ourselves for not living in our truth to not living in our abundance to not living in our authentic self. Because we allowed ourselves to be confused by some of these other ideas, so that's where the forgiveness is coming from, is self forgiveness to yourself into your higher self, and not with a sense of anger or resentment. We're releasing and letting go and acknowledging our own responsibility for healing.

Robert Wooten 24:46

So this process really speaks to your Indigo nature and other people's Indigo nature as well, I think because it looks upward on the chain and says "I don't own your stuff." You know, yeah, "That's your stuff, that's your problem. That's your issues, I don't need to own that and moving forward, I no longer have to respond or represent the crap that was handed to me from previous generations."

Christina Wooten 25:10

Yeah, I mean, Indigo is representative of those that have a spiritual purpose or path where you have specifically stronger energy in one area towards being a bit of a system buster, and one who is created for these types of things to come in and create healing as a lineage healer, for the, you know, things that are happening in families, that's a hard road to walk a lot of people who are in the healing world, or find themselves as being healers or very sensitive, and being those Indigo people who are who are implanted within families and in environments to do this very work to be that system buster, and to, you know, be brave and strong in that process, even when it's really uncomfortable. So just getting down to some final thoughts for today, with family lineage healing, and working on healing those money and mindset blocks for yourself. What I think is interesting about the ho'oponopono practice in specifically and working on the money blocks is that it is simple, but it is really effective. And it was an exercise that helped me more than any other practices that I tried. Just in that moment, it had a big impact because it goes into those, you know, really deeper places. So if you're listening today and thinking, "Wait a minute, that sounds too easy." I invite you to look at that as a blockage as well. So consider is there a belief within you that says valuable, good, positive things can only come to you with a lot of hard work and stress"

Robert Wooten 26:59

So we're back to that place?

Christina Wooten 27:01

Hmm. Because if so, you might want to start with that little money block my friends. Start there and then move on to the other ones. Okay, I am here just today and Robert as well, I think can hold the space for this also, we're just sending beautiful energy out there for your transformations for the seven generations that you're healing by your bravery by your intentional efforts to heal yourself to bring health and balance to your relationship with money. May those souls that haven't yet been incarnated who are going to benefit from these very efforts that you're doing today. May they also beam you some extra light and some love from the heavens to help you go deeper and to get that healing that you deserve? Also, thank you. Thank you for this work. If you found value in our topic today, if it's supported your journey, if it reminded you of how your inner work is helping the world and society to heal how valuable you are, we would love for you to take two minutes right now and write a review, let others know where you're finding value and send that positive energy out into the universe. And we're grateful for joining us today and until next time, many blessings.

Robert Wooten 28:24

The Modern Life and Spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. Information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, see Sedona


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