6 Questions for a Year of Leaning In, Clarity and Joy #220
Prompts for more clarity from your Spirit Guides
Every now and then we have mini awakenings where we realize that we've gotten caught up in a cycle of doing and feel disconnected from what matters most.
In this episode, we’re sharing six simple but important questions that can help you find your way back to clarity, joy, and purpose as you open this powerful year. You can bring these questions into a psychic medium reading, take them to your oracle cards, bring them to your meditation practice or inspired journalling. The important thing is that you are creating the space for your Higher Self and Spirit Guides to guide you in what to look forward to this year and what to release and how.
This conversation will help you uncover what’s draining your energy, discover what can expand your joy this year, and make small but meaningful shifts that can create big clarity in your life.
Thanks for listening! Want to know what to focus on to improve your quality of light right now? Have a reading with Christina
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