Honoring loved ones who have passed during the holiday season
How to celebrate the holidays with your Loved Ones in Spirit
Who doesn't love a good holiday celebration? Most appreciate the opportunities to close out the year with gratitude, togetherness, and celebration. Your loved ones in Spirit are no different.
Many people feel the presence of their loved ones in Spirit around more frequently during the holidays.
Those on the other side, understand how important it is to cherish times of togetherness. And as the calendar page turns to November and then December, those in Spirit and shared memories, come to the forefront a little more than usual.
You may even be more receptive to connecting with them as you listen for their signs or invite their guidance. All of this makes the perfect recipe for more visitation or awareness of Spirit as they come for a visit.
There are many ways for them to say 'hello' from heaven. Each personality is different and may prefer specific signs or ways to communicate to catch your attention.
Perhaps you hear that favorite carol or song that reminds you of them. Maybe you are serving your holiday meal with the China from a beloved family member. Maybe that special memory floats through your mind that you haven't thought of in ages. Maybe you feel their presence or advice as you honor your special traditions.
This time of year can be hard for those grieving the physical presence of their loved ones, even years after loss.
There are many ways to feel more connected to our loved ones on the other side, during this time. Our Spirit loved ones always appreciate the simple, loving gestures that include them, their memory, and the love that still connects.
Below are different ideas for how to incorporate your Spirit family during your holiday celebrations.
Have tea with your Loved One
As you consider your Loved One in Spirit, what memories and symbols come to mind? What did they enjoy on the Earth Plane?
If you had an encounter with an animal, that you feel was your loved one coming through, how did they appear to you? What colors do you associate with them? Consider all of these things and purchase or create a mug that holds the strongest symbol for you of that person.
Ex: Perhaps if they loved football, a mug from their favorite team, If they have come through as a butterfly, perhaps a butterfly pattern.
If you aren't sure, Angel wings or butterflies (symbolizing change) are all good options.
Whenever you wish to connect, pull out their special mug, pour yourself a cup of tea, coffee, Apple cider and think of them with love and gratitude. Know that every time you pull this mug out, that you send the signal out to meet for a cup of tea. As you enjoy your beverage of choice, you may enjoy the silence, share and talk with them as you would when they are in the room, use this time for prayers for your loved one, or reading a poem that made you think of them. Make sure you tune into how your body feels, and make time to listen also.
Create a holiday ornament
You don't have to be too crafty to make a holiday ornament. You can use different materials such as some of their old clothing, a picture of a favorite holiday meal together, or a quote from them. You can even get clear globes at the craft store and fill with a cardinal feather or paint something specific. You may consider making one for someone else that might appreciate it.
The whole process of creating this can be very special and healing. Each time you hang the ornament and see it, let yourself fill up with love.
Instead of purchasing a gift for them...
Instead of purchasing a gift for them, consider supporting someone in need. If they were a single mom, consider supporting a charity that helps single moms. If they loved animals, maybe purchase a few pet beds or supplies for your local shelter. Whatever you do, let it be in honor of them and thankfulness that you give. You can include them in the process by telling them about what you are doing or letting them help you choose the child from the Angel Tree.
Talk about them
Don't forget to talk about your loved one! Share stories and special memories. The greatest pain for many is the silence after loss. Invite others to share, but be mindful that all have their own grief process and may not be ready to share.

Letters to Spirit
Get a special journal that is just for communication between you and your loved ones in Spirit. This works really well also for children and for those that feel silly talking aloud. Each entry you make intend that they pick up on the information there. You can add pictures. Write stories, journal about the year or include hopes and dreams. Know that as you write, they are with you. You can also record special memories of them, which can be treasures for others in the family.
Labyrinth Healing
Find a labyrinth nearby and take a pilgrimage. At the beginning of your walk, set your intention to honor your loved one. Set the intention of meeting your loved one in the center. Once you reach the center, share what is on your heart with them. If you are tangible, bring a journal to write your thoughts and feelings down. You can also do this on days of significance, such as birth days, days of passing, anniversaries, etc.
The sacred geometry of a labyrinth can have powerful healing effects for the body/mind/spirit too.
Create a celebration of light honoring your loved ones. Decorate with luminaries and celebrate with their favorite food, type of food, or their recipes.
Decorate the Holiday table
Have their favorite flower on the Holiday table. Over the next several days, every time you see them, they can be a sweet reminder of your loved one and their presence around you. You can also consider a special centerpiece with candles. As you light the candles, invite your loved one to join in the festivities!
Leave an Offering

Many cultures incorporate offerings into their celebrations. You can create a flower mandala or nature mandala for them. Create an outdoor meditation bench or mark a special space for a future garden in their name.
Open your heart to others
Love and tenderness, nurturing, and kindness are some of the many blessings that one receives from those closest to them. Feel the blessing of the love shared between you and your loved one and let this warmth be shared with others. Some ideas: Sprinkle birdseed for the feathered friends, knit or get scarves, hats, warm socks and other items needed for the homeless and donate in your loved one's favorite colors. A kindness campaign, where you do 30 acts of kindness for 30 days can also do a lot of good and can be something that other family members or friends may decide to join in.
You may even consider visiting special places that you frequented with your loved one or significant places and performing acts of kindness connected with those locations.
Need a hug?
If you have a crafty family, you may consider building a family quilt. Each family member is invited to bring a square that celebrates or reminds them of those in Spirit. These days, fabric can be printed with favorite images. Other ideas for squares, made from their clothing or T-shirts, tie dye, little ones may enjoy using fabric markers or paint to create theirs. Squares can be sewn together by someone crafty in the family or a seamstress. If you are not a crafty family, you can create blankets online by submitting the image or images and having the blanket mailed to you. Every time you wish you could get or give a big hug to your loved one, wrap up in the blanket or quilt's warmth and feel their presence with you.
Still not sure what to do? Don't overthink it. It doesn't have to be the "perfect" gesture or just the right thing in order to do something. Let your heart guide the way.