Overcoming blocks: Intuition Imposter Syndrome #71
How to get more comfortable claiming your intuitive abilities and work through self doubt.

Finding the Confidence to Follow your Higher Calling #70
Do you recognize that you have a whisper within to share your intuitive and spiritual gifts with the world but you find that you are...

The Power of Pause with Meredith Vaish #69
In today's go-go-go world, where more work means, well, more work - what happens when you get so overloaded, burned out and anxious that...

Stop Hustling for your Worthiness and Speak your Truth #65
There are so many ways people pleasing can show up in your life, and if you have been a lifelong people pleaser recognizing this trait...

2022 Astrological Forecast #62
2022 astrology significance revealed. Learn what to look out for and how to use these energies for advancement, evolution, and alignment wi

The Power of Releasing with the Burning Bowl Ceremony #58
How to perform a Burning Bowl Ceremony for an energetic detox to start the New Year. Get your Supply List and details for how to host one