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Metta Meditation for Forgiveness #160

woman with hands in front of her eyes closed in a meditation pose with yellow flowers in the foreground.

Metta Meditation for Forgiveness

In this heartwarming exploration, we'll unravel the power of forgiveness through the gentle practice of Metta Meditation. Imagine it as a warm, soothing embrace for your spirit, allowing you to release old wounds and open your heart to a world filled with love and compassion.

This process of healing the heart chakra and allowing the heart to unfold - to yourself, your loved ones, and to those that have harmed you - can help you deeply release the pain of the past.

So, whether you're a seasoned meditator or new to this beautiful practice, join us in this episode to explore the profound and nurturing world of Metta Meditation. It's time to stop hoping for forgiveness to come, and allow it to emerge with the power of your heart.

**PLUS check out our Free Podcast Bonus Below - the Spiritual Habit Tracker


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Get Started with Guided Metta Meditation ~

Try different scripts below.

Ten minute lovingkindness meditation with Sharon Salzberg.

To practice this meditation for forgiveness work, try this script a few times on different days until it feels natural and comfortable for you.

Then, follow this meditation, adding in someone who you feel hurt, grief, or anger towards - before you send lovingkindness to All Beings according to the script.

Simply, add this person in to your practice, before you move to send lovingkindness to All Beings.

This Lovingkindness meditation will allow you to gently expand your love to yourself, the planet, and the universe. A beautiful and calming way to empower your heart chakra with connection for the day ahead.

Enjoy this Guided Lovingkindness Meditation with Jack Kornfield. If you've struggled with meditation in the past, you may really resonate with Jack Kornfield's approach and style.

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About Christina Wooten:

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.

She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher. Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.

To learn more about her offerings, click here

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About Robert Wooten:

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.

Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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